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Book and Coffee at Home

Not Quite Ready To Start Your Journey?

Are you not sure about Search For The Griffin? Curious to get a taste of it and see if it's for you and most importantly, worth your time? You've come to the right place. Here, readers can download excerpts per series as they are completed and released. The excerpts are free to download and own for personal use. Members and visitors are welcome to share the lores with friends and family. All content provided may not be uploaded or sold on other sites, fan sites of any kind or printed with the intention to sell. If you want to read more and think you will enjoy SFTG, go to the Novels page to see what is available for download.

Series 1: Milieu


Book I  (Completed)




Book II (Completed)




Book III (Completed)


  • Lore I: Abomination

  • Lore II: Love Affair 



Book 4 




Series 2: Trying Not To Chase Aria


Book I



Series 3: Sidney University


Book I


Book II


Book III


Book IV


Series 4: Final Reality


Book I


Book II


Book III


Book IV



Series 5: Deunna: Griffin's Chosen


Book I


Book II

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