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Search For The Griffin Disclaimer

he Search For The Griffin series is rated "T" for Teen (15+), "M" for Mature (18+) and "E" for Everyone. Depending on which series you decide to read first will determine if it is T, M or E.  In each finalized novel there will be a notice stating which rating it is so parent(s) and legal guardian(s) can decide if their children can read Artzenin's novels, need to stop reading until they're older or give consent to them to read if they're not of legal age in their country to be exposed to Christian theology and Christian witnessing. 

Warning: All eBooks and their lores on this website are Copyright © Artzenin Eklektós. All rights reserved. Every eBook, lores, their characters or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal. All of what you will read is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead) businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental. eBooks and lore books are free to download and read for private use. 

Novel Artwork: Want to see the illustrations? To view past and upcoming artwork for the novels, visit the Artwork page. Like the novels and artwork are in
Beta Phase and will be updated as Artzenin completes them.
Bard Tales Disclaimer

Bard Tales: House Of Ballads is strictly a fictional collection of songs and poems that capture the bards’ pasts, former lifestyles of vice (sin) and struggles with various types of addictions, such as abuse of drugs, abuse of alcohol and herbs of the field. Ballads also touch on sensitive topics, such as suicide, political views and LGBTQ+ themes.

NOTICE: Because of how the bards are expressing their rawness and emotions in their works and do not hold back when it comes to what he/she went through when they in their vice, RDA (Reader Discretion Advised) is needed for some ballads the reader will encounter. Please keep in mind the bards have found Avril Tryst (Yeshua Christ) and have been redeemed of what they once supported or struggled with. Do not imitate the bards bad choices when it comes to suicide, murder, theft, lying, harlotry or abuse of substances. Their ballads exist to teach readers right from wrong and are not meant to glorify vice or bad choices that have legal or serious health consequences.

​Readers need to keep in mind that the ballads are also the bards’ personal testimonies. Meaning, the bards were once in dark places and currently are no longer in those dark places and are new creations in Tryst. Anointed Works and Zion Studio workers are not liable for readers who choose to partake in bad choices prior to reading Bard Tales: House Of Ballads nor do we permit readers who already struggle with addictions to read this anthology if he/she is going to be tempted to make bad choices or further it.  Readers are not allowed to use this project, which is designed to be a teaching tool to divert people from evil as their shield/scapegoat to justify their bad habits or criminal lifestyles in general. It is the reader's responsibility to know if he/she is sane, legally allowed and permitted to engage with this project.

​If reader is not legally allowed to be exposed to Christian doctrine or theology due the mandates of the county that they reside in, then that person cannot read the anthology until they are of age. If reader is allowed, but is a minor then they must obtain permission from parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to read the anthology. Readers further understands that if they are mentally unstable or in a bad place in their personal life for any reason, have trauma or can be easily trigged by the sensitive topics the bards write about, they are not allowed to engage with this project until they are mentally stable and not going to be tempted or triggered by the content they read.


Milieu Outline: Milieu takes place in the Parru Solar System on the following 10 planets: Nexus, Jusook, Terah, Cenik, Rotlax, Kusoy, Boinov, Pexadros, Tryke, Shorix. Readers will meet main, supporting characters in this series, but some of them live in solar systems outside of Parru. The reader will have to note the timelines and their dates, per novel and lore to properly connect later scenes for other segments and to understand the motives behind good and evil characters. The reader will be exposed to prejudice, racism, LGBTQ+ themes, platonic romances, politics, violence, gore, witchcraft, spiritual warfare and action packed environments. The reader will unlock special events, meet exclusive characters and learn hidden information that connects them to the bigger parts of the main story line for the novel if they read all the lores. Milieu will be released in 4 book with a total of 25 lore

Book I

Lore I: Cherished
Lore II: Debonair & Esknee

Lore III: Lost

Book II

Secret Lore: Mishap
Lore I: Love Shadow
Lore II: Dissembler
Lore III: Long Suffering
Lore IV: Wild
Lore V: Shameful
Lore VI: Scars
Lore VII: Unhinged
Lore VIII: Theos Complex
Lore IX: Omnism
Lore X: Sexist 
Lore XI: Old Norse
Lore XII: Knowledge
Lore XIII: Apathetic 

Book III

Lore I: Abomination
Lore II: Love Affair 

Book 4

Lore I: Casanova
Lore II: I Dare You
Lore III: Pointless
Lore IV: Loving Me

Trying Not To Chase Aria Outline: Trying Not To Chase Aria takes place in the Goreos Solar System on planet Belrion. Readers will meet minor and major characters in this series and be exposed to bullying, LGBTQ+ themes, politics, suicide, semi-action packed environments and high school life. The reader will learn more about this series through the lores and will meet supporting characters and some icon characters that connect to Sidney University. Trying Not To Chase Aria will be released of 1 book with a total of 4 lores.

Book I
Lore I: Miss Perfect
Lore II: Miss Rebel
Lore III: Mister Lonely
Lore IV: Mister Anxious

Sidney University: Sidney University takes place in the Goreos Solar System on planet Belrion. Readers will meet major important characters in this series and be exposed to superheroes, villains, semi-action packed environments and college campus life. The reader will unlock special events, meet exclusive characters and learn hidden information that connects them to the bigger parts of the main story line for the novel if they read all the lores. Sidney University will be released in 4 books with a total of 20 lores.

Book I

Book II

Book III

Book IV

Final Reality OutlineFinal Reality  takes place in the Goreos Solar System on planet Belrion. Readers will meet major important characters in this series and be exposed to platonic romances, politics, superheroes, villains, violence, gore, witchcraft, spiritual warfare and action packed environments. The reader will unlock special events, meet exclusive characters and learn hidden information that connects them to the bigger parts of the main story line for the novel if they read all the lores. This novels is vital for the reader because it will tie together all the previous 3 segments of the series up unto this point and reveal the ultimate purpose and motive of the main villain. Final Reality will be released in 4 books with a total of 16 lores.

Book I

Lore 1: Ruthless

Book II

Book III

Book IV

Lore I: Lock & Key

Bard Tales Disclaimer

Bard Tales: House Of Ballads is strictly a fictional collection of songs and poems that capture the bards’ pasts, former lifestyles of vice (sin) and struggles with various types of addictions, such as abuse of drugs, abuse of alcohol and herbs of the field. Ballads also touch on sensitive topics, such as suicide, political views and LGBTQ+ themes.

NOTICE: Because of how the bards are expressing their rawness and emotions in their works and do not hold back when it comes to what he/she went through when they in their vice, RDA (Reader Discretion Advised) is needed for some ballads the reader will encounter. Please keep in mind the bards have found Avril Tryst (Yeshua Christ) and have been redeemed of what they once supported or struggled with. Do not imitate the bards bad choices when it comes to suicide, murder, theft, lying, harlotry or abuse of substances. Their ballads exist to teach readers right from wrong and are not meant to glorify vice or bad choices that have legal or serious health consequences.

​Readers need to keep in mind that the ballads are also the bards’ personal testimonies. Meaning, the bards were once in dark places and currently are no longer in those dark places and are new creations in Tryst. Anointed Works and Zion Studio workers are not liable for readers who choose to partake in bad choices prior to reading Bard Tales: House Of Ballads nor do we permit readers who already struggle with addictions to read this anthology if he/she is going to be tempted to make bad choices or further it.  Readers are not allowed to use this project, which is designed to be a teaching tool to divert people from evil as their shield/scapegoat to justify their bad habits or criminal lifestyles in general. It is the reader's responsibility to know if he/she is sane, legally allowed and permitted to engage with this project.

​If reader is not legally allowed to be exposed to Christian doctrine or theology due the mandates of the county that they reside in, then that person cannot read the anthology until they are of age. If reader is allowed, but is a minor then they must obtain permission from parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to read the anthology. Readers further understands that if they are mentally unstable or in a bad place in their personal life for any reason, have trauma or can be easily trigged by the sensitive topics the bards write about, they are not allowed to engage with this project until they are mentally stable and not going to be tempted or triggered by the content they read.


Bard Tales Outline: Bio being written. Check back later.


Bard Tales: House Of Ballads

"Milieu is unique on so many levels. It's not a theme you'd expect a Christian author to touch on."

Channing Finch


"There are a lot of fun and disturbing social issues that pop up in Sidney University. I love the twist Artzenin did with the Grimm Brothers and Disney fairytales. We're so use to seeing a "happily ever after" with princesses and princes, but Sidney University shows a much darker, jarring situation for the princesses and princes before their happily ever after. College life, murder mystery and a hint of the Final Reality storyline really had my attention because I never knew what to except nor was I prepared for the topics Artzenin touched on in Sidney University."

Elijah Ford

"If you are a member  of the LGBTQ+ community, ally or activist for them, Milieu, Trying Not To Chase Aria and Sidney University are a must read. Artzenin does a good job at showing the reader why humanity should not endorse those lifestyles while also showing the importance of accepting the people who live them, but not their sins in a very respectful, caring way."

James Bardot

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