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Christian book of Pslams.
Artzenin Eklektos smiling in a white vest.

Artzenin Eklektós

A white vase on a stack of books agaisnt a white wall.

The Purifier

Written By: Artzenin Eklektós

Updated: 4/3/2019


Photo Credit: Artzenin Eklektós


Artzenin Eklektós (Rachel Renee Rigney/Wilson) was born in Decatur Illinois at St. Mary's hospital in 1988. She is the fifth child of Barabra Rigney and her father, who remains unknown. She was later adopted by the Wilsons, a Christian white family in (?). When the adoption became final in 1992, Artzenin officially became a Wilson. As a pastor's daughter, she was moved around a lot and struggled to have friends and keep them in her life. had a difficult, vexing childhood and due to so much mental, verbal and at times, physical abusive, Artzenin's views of God and Christians were clouded by her childhood experiences. Growing up and entering the job force, Artzenin faced racial discrimination, sexist employers, was molested by co-workers and later on in her adult life was raped by her "best friend". When she turned 21, she went to a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) school and after the 5 month program she re-dedicated her life back to Yahweh, for she had learned the difference between human made "religion" and a relationship with her Creator. In the fall of 2008, Artzenin graduated from University Of The Nations and earned a DTS (Discipleship Training School) Certificate.


Artzenin is an African-American Christian author, poet and novelist. She lives in the nation of the United States and currently resides in the state of Kentucky. The primary theme in her writings is platonic soulmates between opposite and same sex relationships and expressing purity in such relationships. Artzenin delights in being celibate and spiritually married to Yahweh-Jehovah, Ruwah and Yeshua, for Biblical marriage unto God is real and is non-sexual. Artzenin enjoys having the freedom to write her work without domestic responsibilities to balance. She obtained her minister credentials in 2018 and became licensed clergy through her organization's charter and founded her online university, Unaligned Academy® in 2020 and is the Head Minister. She is also the founder, CEO and president of her non-profit organization Anointed Works.

Since she was old enough to pick up a pencil and sketch pad Artzenin loved drawing. She self-taught herself how to draw anime and became an illustrator during high school and thought she would never use it outside of a hobby. In 2012, she started to write and draw professionally for the Lord and considered it an honor to draw and write for Elohim. Artzenin is a published author, novelist of her original series, Search For The Griffin and a professional purifier. She primary specializes in purifying secular works and making Biblical allegories for young adult audiences, but her main targeted audience she writes for is the Woke (LGBTQ+) community.




"I am not the kind of author, novelist, poet or minister that Christians and non-Christians would expect. I touch on social issues and sensitive topics that make people mad, cringe or uncomfortable depending on how they were raised to view the themes I discuss in Search For The Griffin. I am not here on this earth to baby the offended feelings of others. I am here on this earth to point people to Yahweh and to the truth. The most effective way for me to do that is through my writing. I want my readers to really think and reconsider what they are doing in their sinful lifestyles, but at the same time I strive to articulate the message of Christ that will affect readers in a such a deep, personal way, it will leave them speechless." 

About The Author

Press Biography

Press Biography is being re-written.


Press Biography

Careers & Occupation

Artzenin loved working with her hands, moving objects, pushing buggies stocking shelves and helping serve her customers when she was a Sales Associate at Save-A-Lot, UGO (United Grocery Outlet), a Housekeeper for Moutain Inn & Suites, which later converted to Holiday Inn Express & Suites, a Detailer for Ep-Spar-Car-Care (no longer in business.), Sandwich Artist at Subway, a Security Guard for GuardCo. and other tiles that she earned working for the commonwealth of Kentucky. Sadly, her health worsened over the years and she found herself unable to perform in the careers she enjoyed in her youth. She officially was diagnosed as disabled in 2013, but she fought this truth for a couple of more years until she couldn't do it anymore. Despite being physically challenged and unable to work a full shift like normal, healthy people, she is required by the state of Kentucky to contribute volunteer work to keep her SNAP benefits. At first, Artzenin wasn't sure what she could do, but then decided to start a non-profit organization that would serve as her new occupation in life as well as her way to keep her SNAP benefits.


Unlike a job that demands she come in at a certain time, Artzenin comes and goes at her pace, something she can do without the worry of being fired or punished because she has episodes that prevent her from performing well on the job. She is her own boss and enjoys writing when her health allows it. Artzenin is a YA fantasy/romance fiction writer that creates digital eBooks, drabbles of poems and Christianized songs. She loves the concept of anime and has dedicated the rest of her life to creating and illustrating Christian anime and characters for herself and for her audiences. 


Her second occupation is centered around the Christian faith and does not require her to exert herself in anyway. As an authorized minister, she can offer console/therapy sessions for people of the Christian faith and mentors heterosexual couples before and after they wed. These sessions are free and she does not charge for marriage licenses.

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