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Q: Are You Single?

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

At age 12, Elohim asked me to be single for Them and not to marry. I didn't have an issue with this and happily became celibate for Them and enjoyed my celibacy to be honest. In 2019 Elohim called me out of celibacy and told me if I want to marry I can or if I don't, I can remain single. I have chosen to remain single, however I also made it clear if Yahweh wanted me to marry, I will be open to the idea so until Yahweh sends me a husband, I'm spiritually married to the Godhead and I wear a biblical rainbow wedding band to symbolize my holy marriage to the Godhead.

This is not polygamy in the slightest. I realize that's how it looks, but that's not what it is. The motive and foundation of this spiritual marriage as The Book puts it is spiritual, holy and has a totally different meaning in the spiritual realm than the terrestrial realm. I know peoole who mock Roman Catholic nuns who marry Elohim.

The foundation of spiritual marriage is a real, genuine thing for virgins, celibates such as myself or for a widow who no longer desires to remarry, but wants to devote his/her life to Elohim until they die. So how can I, a woman be married to the Elohim that consists of two men and a woman, when the Elohim made it clear sexual immorality is wrong?

Well... this is hard pill to swallow, but The Book literally said those who are born again will become the brides of Christ. Christ is a man and men and women of the terrestrial realm who confess Christ, just got married to Yeshua. Yeshua said He and the Father are one and Bereshis (Gensis) expresses that the Elohim are three people, operating as one body but are clearly whole beings with their own will and bodies.

If you read the whole Book and the books Sirach and Enoch, those books will tell you who the Ruach Ho Kadesh (Holy Spirit) is and her gender. The book of Enoch also tells you how the Godhead formed. Yahweh was first, Ruwah was second and the two of them begot Yeshua together and the three of Them are one unit and three separate people.

There are other books and letters of The Book and they explain the holy marriage factor for Christians, so by saying I am single, but married to Elohim, please understand I am not sinning with Them and I am not doing something unheard of in the real church. Furthermore, holy marriage of Elohim as defined by Their laws in heaven is not bound to the laws they made for us as mortals. Meaning, their holy marriage is not sinful or contradictive to Their law of sexual immortality. It is pure, sex is not involved in the holy marriage or the spiritual relationship whatsoever.

This is topic that is not discussed properly or in context. And yet, if a culture sees me advertise this spiritual marriage, I am called bad things and I have to die in some countries because my spiritual marriage is seen as a wicked act, but those same cultures promote multiple marriages and having children with multiple people. Some cultures even promote sleeping with both genders, marrying both genders, marrying and sleeping with animals and that's fine.

But if I have a holy, untainted, non-sexual, spiritual marriage in this life and the one that is coming I'm somehow deserving of death, weird and a pervert? Wow. Really? Really? I hope this response I have given has answered the question. If you're still confused about my holy marriage to Elohim, message me on the live chat and I'll happily break it down and provide scripture for you should you need evidence of what I'm talking about.


Copyright © 2022 Artzenin Eklektós

Blog post written by Artzenin Eklektós

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