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Wise Man

Updated: Jun 14, 2022

"You are something the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing."
--Alan Watts


Watts was born to middle-class parents in the village of Chislehurst, Kent (now south-east London), on 6 January 1915, living at 3 (now 5) Holbrook Lane, which was previously lived in by author John Hemming-Clark in the early 1900s.[4] Watts' father, Laurence Wilson Watts, was a representative for the London office of the Michelin tyre company]]. His mother, Emily Mary Watts (née Buchan), was a housewife whose father had been a missionary. With modest financial means, they chose to live in pastoral surroundings and Watts, an only child, grew up playing at brookside, learning the names of wildflowers and butterflies.[5] Probably because of the influence of his mother's religious family[6] the Buchans, an interest in "ultimate things" seeped in. It mixed with Watts's own interests in storybook fables and romantic tales of the mysterious Far East.[7]

Watts also later wrote of a mystical dream he experienced while ill with a fever as a child.[8] During this time he was influenced by Far Eastern landscape paintings and embroideries that had been given to his mother by missionaries returning from China. The few Chinese paintings Watts was able to see in England riveted him, and he wrote "I was aesthetically fascinated with a certain clarity, transparency, and spaciousness in Chinese and Japanese art. It seemed to float..."[9] These works of art emphasised the participatory relationship of people in nature, a theme that stood fast throughout his life and one that he often wrote about. (See, for instance, the last chapter in The Way of Zen.[10])


By his own assessment, Watts was imaginative, headstrong, and talkative. He was sent to boarding schools (which included both academic and religious training of the "Muscular Christian" sort) from early years. Of this religious training, he remarked "Throughout my schooling my religious indoctrination was grim and maudlin."[11]

Watts spent several holidays in France in his teen years, accompanied by Francis Croshaw, a wealthy Epicurean with strong interests in both Buddhism and exotic little-known aspects of European culture. It was not long afterward that Watts felt forced to decide between the Anglican Christianity he had been exposed to and the Buddhism he had read about in various libraries, including Croshaw's. He chose Buddhism, and sought membership in the London Buddhist Lodge, which had been established by Theosophists, and was then run by the barrister Christmas Humphreys. Watts became the organization's secretary at 16 (1931). The young Watts explored several styles of meditation during these years.

Isn't Ironic Non-Followers Of Christ, Are Often The Ones To Express Wisdom?

I know Yahweh is the only true Elohim, but this doesn't dismiss the fact that there are other cultures who have acquired wisdom through age, and their own studies. Would I ever endorse Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Roman Catholicism, Evolution, Atheism anything with "ism" in it I won't support it, because the Mika disproves if one truly knows the origin texts, and tests all things to see if it is of Yah, or aw-dom (humanity), meaning, men, and women, and what they believe if the truth behind all things.

However... the depth behind some of Alan Watts statements are noteworthy. They are wise, and sound, and makes one admire how his mind was able to form such insight. I personally say it was Ruwah giving him the knowledge, but he did not choose Yahweh, in the end he choose Buddhism. The statements are still powerful, and have inspired me to keep doing what I'm doing, and to further appreciate what Yahweh is doing for me, in my life, and centering me for.

If only he had given Yahweh this credit, if only he had not taken false doctrine, and taught a lie. People can say what they want, it's their right to say, and even protected under articles Human Rights of the United Nations, I get that. But people need to also realize 2 + 2 is 4. Christ could not be liar, and be telling the truth at the same time. Christ could not claim he was the son of Yahweh, and son of mere mortals, tainted in the flesh. Christ cannot be qualified to die for humanity if he himself was not above what I am as a human being, as a person who was born into the curse of sin. All this controversy over false bibles kills me. Get in the word, pray, fast, seek. Draw close to Yah, and he will draw close to you. James made it clear Yah will not rebuke you for asking for wisdom. Yet in the Book of Hosea it was written,

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." (Hosea 4: 6)

It's true. Knowledge is what Alan Watts had, but Paul wrote, saying we should acquire accurate knowledge--there is difference. I see it, I found it, so why can't the church world, and the lost do the same? I guess that pride they have is really good at it's job. Pride, and stiff necked people who refuse to hear. Eyes to see, but they're blind. Ears to hear, but they're deaf, even to this day. Which is the real tragedy? The Cross? Or the ones who deny the power thereof, and say Christ didn't happen, and choose to believe the lies of Hell?


Copyright © 2019 Artzenin Eklektós

Blog post written by Artzenin Eklektós

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