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Welcome To My Blog

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

Hello there. It’s good to have you here, I hope we can all get along and build a good, solid friendship while you're here on the site short-term or long-term. Feel free to share anything that you love. This can range from stories, suggestions for my novels, pictures you like about anything (that doesn't violate the Blog Community Guidelines) or whatever is on your mind. I like it when members create discussion threads, connect with me or other members. Not only is it fun, but it's also refreshing to me as the owner to see the community growing. Thank you for choosing to join my website and supporting me. It means a lot. I look forward to getting to know all the members in my community, but I am a busy person online and offline. Rest assured, that will not interfere with my presence online. I set time aside to be here or you all, so if you need me just click on the chat bubble to get my attention. I respond the quickest during the week, rarely on the weekend when I'm offline and off the clock.

Make sure you read the Blog Community Guidelines so you're aware of how things work around here. By interacting with me here on the website or other social media messenger platforms, you agree to the Terms of my Social Media Policy.


AE Community Guidelines

1.) Treat others online as you would treat them in real life and be respectful of differing experiences.

2.) Speak in English and use clear wordage when responding to me on the blog. If you do not speak in English and your responses are not clear, your comment will be deleted upon review.

3.) Be tolerant towards other’s viewpoints, whether it be personal, spiritual or political; respectfully disagree when opinions do not align.

4.) You are don’t have to agree with what I say in my posts, but do not start a thread war with me or other members of the community. If you don’t like what I say, you can find a way to say that without resorting to disrespect and starting drama.

5.) Respect the privacy and personal information of others.

6.) Communicate with courtesy and respect.

7.) Post comments in the proper categories and do not upload content that does not pertain to the post.

8.) No porn, nudity of any kind may be uploaded to the blog.

9.) You must be (15) or (18) years or older to create an account on this website. Not all posts, but a lot of posts contain Christian views, morality codes and my viewpoints on sin, sinful lifestyles and the social issues our cultures face in world in general. If you are a minor, then you must have permission from your parents to create an account here and they should monitor your activity and decide what posts you can read and what posts you should not read.

10.) Depending on what country you live in, you must be the legal age to be exposed to Christinaity and its theology. If you are not a legal age in your country to do this, you are not permitted to create an account on this website. If the legal age is under 18, that is fine, but you are still a minor and only adults can create accounts, so you will need your parents' consent to create an account.

//Do Not//

1. Make personal attacks on other members based on sex/gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, age,

2. Use defamatory remarks or make false statements against others.

3. Post prejudiced comments or profanity of any kind of language known in the world.

4. Bully or make inflammatory remarks to me or the other members.

5. Troll, insult and use derogatory comments and personal attacks at me or other community members.

6. Message me or other members to the point of public or private harassment.

7. Make sexual advancements on me or other members. Man or woman, sexual harassment is not permitted on my website and I will not tolerate this.

8. Publish other’s private information, such as a physical or electronic address without explicit permission.

9. Pretend to me someone else or lie about your age.

10. Use someone else’s information to create fake accounts.

11. Make fake accounts using bots.

//Consequences// My staff and I will take action when we see someone violating these Community Guidelines. Sometimes that just means giving someone a warning and other times it means revoking certain privileges or terminating accounts. I ask that all members report behavior that violates our guidelines to me directly at:

//User Agreement// By logging onto the community and activating your profile, you agree with the Terms & Conditions listed above.


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